Stage Workers Reach Agreement, Averting Potential Strike in Central Virginia

Richmond, Va. — A potential strike that could have affected major entertainment venues in Central Virginia was averted on Monday, January 20, after stage workers reached a new agreement with management. The resolution came after six months of contract negotiations between the workers and ASM Global, the management company for several local venues.

The strike, which had been threatened by the Local 87 branch of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), involved approximately 200 stagehands who work at Richmond’s Altria Theater and Dominion Energy Center, as well as the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville. IATSE had initially announced on January 16 that the workers could go on strike if a deal was not reached soon.

The union had raised concerns about wages and benefits, claiming that Richmond was one of the lowest-paying markets for stagehands in the region. IATSE members demanded fairer compensation for their work, arguing that the cost of living and inflation had outpaced their wages.

After several days of negotiations, the union and ASM Global came to an agreement, which was ratified by IATSE membership on January 20. The terms of the deal have not been disclosed, but both sides expressed relief that the strike had been avoided and that entertainment events would continue without disruption at the affected venues.

“We are pleased to have reached an agreement that is fair to our members and ensures the continued success of live events in the region,” said a spokesperson for IATSE Local 87.

IATSE represents more than 168,000 workers across the entertainment industry, including those involved in live events, film, broadcast, and more. The successful resolution of the contract dispute underscores the ongoing challenges in the entertainment sector, where workers continue to advocate for better pay and working conditions.

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